
The most optimal usage of an always up-to-date multimedia environment for a fixed monthly fee, including all the required flexibility, that's our starting point! AV-as-a-Service adequately anticipates on the trend where the focus is on using digital technology instead of buying it. So, don't buy it, use it!

dont buy it

We jointly discuss and define all your requirements for the new AV environment. Functionality and quality are both at the top of the list of priorities.

dont buy it
Interior design

Interior design is all about emotion and the experience! Qualified interior architects design every aspect of your interior, including integration of all the AV equipment.

dont buy it

Maximum performance and interaction between the AV solution components; that is the objective. Our engineers work with a documented action plan to achieve this.

dont buy it

Thanks to long-standing partnerships with leading vendors, we always succeed in combining quality with the best price.

dont buy it

We take receipt of all the equipment supplied by the different vendors. After inspection and registration, we deliver the equipment at the agreed time.

dont buy it

We mount the equipment, lay the cables and, if required, neatly conceal everything in the ceiling or behind a projection wall.

dont buy it

We structure the service agreement according to your requirements. The agreement is modular, so almost any combination is possible.

dont buy it

The AV solution can be replaced or extended at previously defined times. This guarantees optimal flexibility!

dont buy it

When the equipment reaches the end of its useful life, we remove it in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. We comply with the WEEE guidelines when doing so.

Meeting room

Meetings, information sessions, taking decisions. You want to move things forward. You have to make progress. And the technology has to help you achieve this. It simply has to work. BIS supplies a completely furnished and equipped room - which includes everything you need - for a fixed monthly charge. Nothing more, and nothing less. That's an offer you can't refuse!

Benefits included

  • Fantastic image display (60 or 65 inch)
  • Powerful audio capabilities
  • HDMI and VGA connections
  • Automatic switching based on source selection
  • Automatic on/off and source detection
  • Simple & intuitive operation
  • Installation & maintenance
  • Flexible use of new technology
  • Responsible disposal and recycling


Would you also like to benefit from fuss-free working for a fixed amount per month, but haven't been able to find what you require on this website? Don't worry. We realise All Your Wishes in As-a-Service form. Boardroom? Barco ClickShare? Auditorium? Samsung FLiP? Anything is possible.


Teaching without any fuss. Simply enjoying your profession. And being with your students. BIS realises a perfect teaching environment, carries out regular maintenance, makes repairs when necessary, and replaces and recycles outdated technology. All at a competitive monthly rate.

Productive classes

  • Clear visuals and a powerful sound system
  • High-accuracy touch and writing experience
  • Interactive options
  • Fixed mounting or on a high/low system
  • Telephone helpdesk and a digital helpdesk
  • On-site service
  • Replacement equipment
  • Flexible use of new technology
  • Responsible disposal and recycling.


Would you also like to benefit from fuss-free working for a fixed amount per month, but haven't been able to find what you require on this website? Don't worry. We realise All Your Wishes in As-a-Service form. Boardroom? Barco ClickShare? Auditorium? Samsung FLiP? Anything is possible.


Huddling is hot. A brief, informal and interactive meeting. Get together at short notice. Exchange opinions. Take decisions. This requires an optimal balance between technology, environment and behaviour. BIS delivers this magic mix. For a fixed monthly charge. And your role? Just enjoy!

productive thanks to

  • Professional image display
  • Wireless presentation (ClickShare)
  • Huddle Active, high meeting table
  • Specific furniture with AV integration
  • Fully free-standing set-up - anywhere
  • For teams of two to six persons
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Flexible use of new technology
  • Responsible disposal and recycling.


Would you also like to benefit from fuss-free working for a fixed amount per month, but haven't been able to find what you require on this website? Don't worry. We realise All Your Wishes in As-a-Service form. Boardroom? Barco ClickShare? Auditorium? Samsung FLiP? Anything is possible.
